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Guitar Hero Skins
It seems like the whole world is suddenly rocking. Rock and heavy metal, once the preserve of a relatively small and fairly homogeneous group, is now amazingly popular with all ages and backgrounds.
Xbox 360 Game Backup – Tips For Successful CopiesChances are you have tried to copy your own video games in the past, you will more than likely have failed also this is because video games have a high encryption placed on them so that most people without the right tools will fail every single time. Most people who try to copy their video games to protect them will think that they can use the same process that they use to copy their music or movie disks. However this isn’t the case, so without even knowing from the start they are destined to fail.
Play Sonic GamesDo you remember the good old days playing on your Genesis? Do you remember that rambunctious, speedy, little, blue hedgehog named Sonic? Well if you do, you can remember that it was a lot of fun and was one of your favorite games.
Copy Xbox 360 Games and Play Them in 3 Easy StepsWould you like to learn how you can copy and play your own Xbox 360 video games in a couple of steps? Then simply keep on reading as the aim of this article is to teach you exactly that. Before I teach you these three simple steps you’re going to need items that will allow you to copy video games.
Huge Reasons to Backup Xbox 360 GamesIf you’re a hardcore gamer or even a casual gamer the price of video games is the same amount, so it doesn’t make a difference if we break the video game we still lose the same money. So in this article I aim to provide you with two main reasons to why you should backup your Xbox 360 games. The first main reason is to protect them simply because video games are very expensive but yet very fragile, it only takes one small scratch or one liquid spill to wreak havoc on your video games.
Budget Wii Games – 5 TipsIt’s possible to spend a small fortune on Nintendo Wii games. Many games cost between $40 and $80, and that adds up quickly, especially with children who seem to want another game everyday!
DJ Hero Price Polemic – What Are the High Prices For?In the fall of 2009 a new game is going to see the day. The game is called Dj Hero and it is a ground breaking new concept in the video game universe. The game is published by Activision that is the responsible for the mega hit series guitar hero that has sold up today more than 33 million copies.
Backup Your Nintendo Wii Games – Method and Legalities ExplainedLast night I overheard an argument from my apartment. It was an interesting one and thought I should share it with you. The whole fuzz was about backing up Nintendo Wii games. There was a team which supported backing up Nintendo Wii games and there was another bunch, which thought it was illegal.
Backup PlayStation 3 Games – Fastest and Easiest Backup Techniques For PS3 GamesPlayStation 3 comes with a built in hard drive for you to store games. It is objected towards backing up the games on the console itself. But the fact is that the space given is not enough to back the whole game up. Now if you want to backup more than one game, it is out of question.
PS3 Game Copying Software – Backup Tact For Expensive GamingThe gaming and animation industry, especially PS3 has reached a new level. The quality and the depth of any PS3 game has surpassed out thoughts and ideas. This clearly reflects in the prices that we pay for these games. They are pretty expensive, but worth the price.
Wii Sports Resort With Motion PlusWii MotionPlus accessory plugs into the bottom of the Wii remote and enhances its motion controller features; created by Nintendo to take gameplay to the next level. A level Microsoft and Sony appear to have leapfrogged. Wii motion plus rotates at the same angles as your arm does. It’s very precise.
Copy Playstation 2 Games – Using Software to Make Backup Copies of Your Favorite GamesIf you are interested in learning how to copy Playstation 2 games, then read this article. There is new software available to help you to achieve this. No longer do you have to buy new games each time you lose or scratch up one of your games. Now, the option is available to store duplicate copies of your games for use later.