FIFA 20 Gameplay Information | New Features & First Gameplay Scenes | EA PLAY

FIFA 20 got announced at EA PLAY and in this video we give a summary about the new gameplay features with some exclusive clips and footage! (Presented by EA Game Changers)
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Links to further information:
• Livestream:
• Pitch Notes Article #1:
• Pitch Notes Article #2:

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For FIFA 19 we want to help you guys with information, tips and tricks as well as detailed tutorial videos to improve your gameplay! These videos combined together will form THE GUIDE, a project that has the vision to help all FIFA players from beginner to pro!
This video is dedicated to the offense and shows you how to utilise the three touch roulette to beat the defender and create dangerous chances. It can turn around the situation immediately and will help you to open up the opponents defense. Please make sure to leave a like and subscibe to our channel if this video helps you out!

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► Music: Epidemic Sounds –


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