FIFA 16 Tutorial – Driven Free Kicks

DRIVE in those free kicks!
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FIFA 16 available on: PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 3

What is So Great About the Wii?

When the Nintendo Wii came out in the Fall of 2006, people of all ages, shapes, and sizes were fighting to get their hands on one and stores were back ordered for months, unable to keep up with the demand. Nintendo was going to revolutionize the way games were played by having a wireless, motion sensing controller that got the player more involved in the game than ever before. A slew of new games that utilized the Wii’s interactive capabilities got gamers excited in anticipation of having the console for their own.

How to Copy Wii Games – Its As Easy As 1 2 3

If you have found your way to this article then I would bet it is safe to say that you are one of the many satisfied owners of a Nintendo Wii gaming system. I bet it is also safe to say that you found this article because you want to know how to copy Wii games.

Take a Peek at How Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 is Shaping Up

What more would you want in fighting robots and wrecking each other. Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 has already been released in its Japanese version. The American release will be on March 24, 2009 on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Playstation 2. There is a slight variation between world regions. Some regions may not avail of the downloadable content. As compensation for this, the PAL and North American versions will also have enhancements to the games’ versus mode.

Why Wii Fail – Two Years Later the Nintendo Wii’s Shortcomings Become More Glaring With Age

Over two years into the life span of the hot selling Nintendo Wii console it’s time to take a step back and evaluate some of the console’s most frustrating shortcomings and how this cash cow of a machine could have been so much more. Personally, I had my Wii in hand the day it came out and was instantly thrilled. Nowadays, I still look at the cute little white box lovingly, but find myself continuously baffled by shortsightedness of Nintendo in execution and curse it on a regular basis for a number of reasons.

How to Backup Xbox 360 Games the Easy Way! Get Software to Copy Xbox 360 Games Now!

Those are just some of the most important and common reasons why you should make backups of your Xbox 360 games. However, you should be informed that your games cannot be copied with standard DVD burning software. In order to copy video games, you need a special game copying software. This software can make life much easier and can help you make backups of your Xbox 360 games. One of the greatest things about the games that you copy is that they play at the exact same speed as the original.

Start Burning Wii Games Now – Get the Best Software For Burning Wii Games!

These are some of the reasons why it is important and crucial to start burning Wii games. Your gaming disks cannot be copied with the standard DVD burning software found at stores. You actually need burning software for wii games. This software can be of great benefit to you and can help you make backups of your wii games. One of the best things about the copied games is that they are playable at the exact same speed as the original disk that came in the case.

Buy Cheap Xbox 360 Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2 for the Xbox 360, is a game where Guy Cocker fights a horde of Locusts. The best things about the new game are that the game has been designed with a brand new look, taking the entire gaming experience to a different level. Together with powerful grenades, there are innovative weapons to reckon with. Powerful melee attacks are in the works, and the visual effects are like none you’ve seen before.

3 Red Rings of Doom – Help

If you own an Xbox 360, then no doubt you have encountered the Soul crushing Xbox 360 3 red flashing lights, if you are unlucky enough to have encountered this then no doubt you know what it means, if not then have no fear as I shall explain. Surrounding the power button on your Xbox 360 console there are four illuminated segments, this is known as the Ring of Light (RoL) or Ring of Life, if your console is in working order these will be a lovely green colour. Now if the RoL was …

Popular Multiplayer Xbox Games

The Xbox 360 is a very popular game system made by Microsoft. It is used to play single player games and multiplayer games which can be played online. The benefit of playing Xbox multiplayer games online is the chance to prove your skills against other players instead of against the artificial intelligence.

Why Full Frontal Male Nudity is Good For Games

You might be asking yourself, how in the world can male nudity in video games possibly be good for the industry? Well young padawan sit right down and I’ll tell you how. In short: Main stream acceptance.

Gamer Testing Ground Review – Learn How to Become a Video Game Tester

Love playing video games, but concerned about your future? Well, you should not be because today you can be paid thousands of dollars for playing video games.

Tips For Getting 20+ Kills Consistently on Halo 3

Tips that will assist you in obtaining 20+ kills consistently on Halo 3 that will work for you if you implement them. I tell you exactly how to go from a dud to MVP. You need to know what to do and almost as important is what NOT to do to get there.

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